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New Zealanders

Would like to know how our NZ members are doing, news has been filtering through showing 2 more earthquakes. Hope you guys are all well. My thoughts along with those of IPX are with you guys and your countrymen.



milky is back.
Also I would like to know as I am coming over to visit you guys and hope you are OK

All good

Have spoken to sc0ut and apart from power/water issues he is all good i think.
And we are all good too

Sha8doW's picture

Dbl post

Milzy owes everyone a drink!
See rules!
I suggest you get it before you leave matt!


Shad owes me a drink because he got the rules wrong. Checked all rules, and possible interpretations of them. not possible to deduce a double post falls under any of those rules

Sha8doW's picture


It’s like 25, if it’s not I’ll ammend it!
Then invoke 20… (geeze I’m going from memory now, hope it’s right)

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